Tuesday, November 03, 2009

TRENDnet modems with AT&T DSL

I recently got a new DSL modem, a TRENDnet TEW-435BRM. I had trouble getting it to work; the automatic configuration wasn't working. I searched around and saw lots of people having problems getting TRENDnet routers to work on AT&T DSL as well. After playing around with settings for a while, I did get it to work, so I thought I'd post here in case it might help others in the future.

The following settings work for me:
  • VPI: 0
  • VCI: 35
  • DSL Modulation: ADSL2
  • Connection method: Login, PPPoE
  • DSL Duplexing Method: LLC-BASED
  • Login name and password are my AT&T/Yahoo credentials
  • Connect Behavior: Keep Alive (Reconnect immediately)
  • IP Address: Automatic
  • DNS: Automatic

Friday, June 05, 2009

The GIGO Buffer

I've contemplated doing this for a while, and after a conversation at work this past week, I've decided to actually implement it.

Presenting, a GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out) Buffer. Implemented in Python, and won't work on Windows (because really, that whole OS is basically a giant GIGO buffer).

#!/usr/bin/env python

class GIGO_Buffer:
Implementation of a Garbage In, Garbage Out buffer.

def push(self, element):
Push data into the buffer.

@param element: Data to add to the buffer.

def pop(self, len):
Pop data from the buffer.

@param len: Number of bytes of data to pop from the buffer.
@returns len bytes of data from the buffer.
data = open('/dev/urandom', 'r')
rval = data.read(len)
return rval